The main advantages of Hydrogen Generator (Inhaler)- strengthens blood vessels
- suppresses inflammation
- strengthens the immune system
The hydrogen generator (Inhaler) was used and worked well in the rehabilitation of patients after COVID-19.◊ More than
1500 clinical studies have been conducted in Japan, China, Taiwan and Korea, as a result of which, after hydrogen inhalation, a decrease in the concentration of substances associated with inflammation in the blood of the subjects was registered.
Hydrogen therapy is recognized all over the world, and its popularity is growing rapidly.
Hydrogen therapy is a modern method of prevention and treatment of many diseases, which is very popular.
◊ Hydrogen therapy is a unique healing technique that, with the help of H2 molecular hydrogen, eliminates free radicals, turning them into water.
Modern living conditions expose the human body to strong oxidative reactions, leading to disruption of metabolic processes, premature aging and the occurrence of various diseases. Oxidative (oxidative) stress is associated with the formation of active oxygen or free radicals. The essence of this method lies precisely in the fight against oxidative stress.
◊ Smoking, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, carbonated and chlorinated water, consumption of preservatives, semi-finished products and animal fats, as well as acute and chronic diseases, and stress lead to the appearance of an excess amount of active oxygen in the body.